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Academic Integrity Reviews

What are Academic Integrity Reviews?

About 15% of academic integrity violation cases are contested to the level of the Academic Integrity Review Board (AIRB). "Contested" means that the involved student did not accept responsibility for the alleged academic integrity violation and the instructor saw no valid reason to withdraw the allegation.

The primary purpose of the Academic Integrity Review (AIR) is to allow an unbiased and uninvolved party to determine if it is "more likely than not" that an academic integrity violation occurred. It is not a legal proceeding and is not bound by legal rules. Rather, it is an administrative meeting to determine whether a student's behavior violated university standards and warrants an intervention. 

Review Types

There are 2 types of AIRs:

  • reviews cases for students who are not facing separation from the university (per the Sanctioning Guidelines and the Appropriate Administrative Authority)
  • is an "informal hearing" and therefore primarily a documentation review that does not normally include questioning the involved parties
  • uses the presented evidence to determine whether it is "more likely than not" that a policy violation occurred
  • AIR Is are generally resolved within a quarter

Note that neither the AIR I or AIR II:

  • decide or change sanctions
  • consider relevant issues of "character" or "intentions"

If you are a student or instructor involved in the process, you should visit the following pages to learn more: