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- GenAI & AI Virtual Symposium
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* graphic image generated with artificial intelligence using Canva's "text to image" tool.
The integrity of the teaching and learning mission of universities is facing an unprecedented challenge in the current landscape. The surge in companies and individuals willing to undertake academic work on behalf of students, coupled with the launch of generative artificial intelligence providing immediate answers and assignments, requires a reevaluation of traditional teaching, learning, and assessment methods. We can't ignore our societal obligation to ensure that our degrees are accurate representations of a graduate’s knowledge and skills.
This virtual symposium was divided into three parts:
The symposium, sponsored and organized by the Academic Integrity Office at UC San Diego, was open to all.
For further details and access to recorded sessions, please refer to the sections below.
Session Title
Speaker: Dr. Tricia Bertram Gallant, Academic Integrity Office & Triton Testing Center at UC San Diego |
Opening remarks for the symposium
The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Academic Integrity (YouTube) Speaker: Dr. Thomas Lancaster, Imperial College London |
Tools like ChatGPT are in the news as they can be misused by students to complete assessed work on their behalf. But how much of a risk do they pose to academic integrity and are there ways to work with these tools, instead of against them?
The Scale of Contract Cheating (YouTube) Speaker: Dr. Guy Curtis, School of Psychological Sciences at University of Western Australia |
As few as 0.1% of students are caught engaging in contract cheating, yet self-report surveys tend to indicate that more than 3% of students do it, but self-report surveys tend to underestimate bad behavior. This presentation will examine the prevalence, incidence, and rates of contract cheating, the sources of information from which these can be estimated, and the limitations of our these sources of knowledge
Rethinking Writing for Assessment in the Era of Artificial Intelligence (YouTube) Speaker: Dr. Anna Mills, College of Marin |
The rise of AI text generators is an opportunity for soul-searching about writing's relation to learning in college. Are there situations where it makes sense to encourage use of text generators or situations where we should move away from writing to another form of assessment? How can we better communicate the value of the writing process when we do assign it? And how might we talk with students about AI text identification software to encourage transparency?
Preventing Cheating through Assessment Design (YouTube) Speaker: Dr. Phillip (Phill) Dawson, Centre for Research in Assessment and Digital Learning at Deakin University |
For better or for worse, assessment has a powerful influence on what students do. This presentation explores how we can use that influence for good, to reduce rates of cheating while satisfying fundamental human needs of autonomy, relatedness, and competence.
Detecting Contract Cheating: Human or Machine (recording only available upon request) Speaker: Kane Murdoch, Macquarie University |
As long as we have been aware of contract cheating, we have relied on academic insight as the primary means to detect it. This talk asks, and hopefully answers, the question- have we been heading down the wrong road? This talk also will cover successful and scalable approaches to detecting contract cheating, and what happens once we find contract cheating.
Student Panel: What They Think About Artificial Intelligence & Their Learning (YouTube) Moderator: Avaneesh Narla, Physics, UC San Diego |
Panelists: Erik Wieboldt, Kharylle Rosario, Nathaniel Mackler, Sukham Sidhu (UC San Diego)
In this session, students will share their thoughts about how artificial intelligence is going to impact academic integrity, learning and student success.
Responding to Cheating Panel: Best 21st Century Practices (YouTube) Panelists: Courtney Cullen, Kane Murdoch, Sharon Dzik |
Join this session to hear a panel of experts talk about the right responses to cheating in the 21st Century. Courtney Cullen will introduce the audience to the concept of non-punitive accountability and the benefits of taking an educational/developmental approach in response to cheating. Kane Murdoch and Sharon Dzik will then each talk about different types of non-punitive accountability practices: Courageous Conversations and Restorative Justice.