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Student Rights in the Academic Integrity Process

We believe in empowering students with the knowledge they need to resolve their academic integrity case. If you find yourself facing an allegation of academic integrity violation, we want you to be aware of your rights and the process that ensures fairness.

The Right to be Notified

You will be formally notified of any reports of alleged academic integrity violations. Official notifications can come from your instructor or a Resolution Appropriate Administrative Authority (Resolution AAA).

The Right to Documentation

Upon request, you have the right to receive a copy of the documentation supporting the allegation. If you did not receive your documentation with your allegation notification, submit a request for documentation by emailing

The Right to be Heard

You have 3 opportunities to share your perspective (i.e., tell the facts as you know them): 
  • Instructor-Student (I-S) Resolution Meeting (optional as requested by the instructor)
    • If you accept responsibility during this meeting, the process is expedited to the sanctioning phase.
    • You can retract acceptance by contacting the AI Office within 2 business days of accepting. 
  • Resolution Meeting with Resolution AAA
    • If the I-S resolution isn’t offered, you will meet with a Resolution AAA.
  • Academic Integrity Review (optional, relevant in 15% of cases)
    • Request this only when contesting the allegation.
    • This right isn't absolute, and acceptance of responsibility is encouraged if a violation of the policy occurred. 

The Right to Appeal

You have the right to appeal decisions on: 
  • Academic Integrity Review
  • Administrative sanctions (only suspension or dismissal) 
  • Academic sanctions