Choose Integrity
First it was the pandemic, and then it was ChatGPT. There seems to be constant challenges to always choosing integrity.
Here are some tips for Choosing Integrity, even when no one is watching.
Tip 1
Pay close attention to assessment instructions (e.g., assignments, tests) and adhere to them precisely. If an action is not explicitly allowed, assume that engaging in it would be a violation of academic integrity. Note: This principle extends to the use of GenAI Tools like ChatGPT, Bing Chat, Midjourney, Google Bard, and others.
Tip 2
Sign our Choose Integrity Pledge yourself and/or if provided by your Instructor. Research has shown that reminding ourselves of our values and integrity can help reduce temptations.
Tip 3
Before engaging in any action during an assessment, run your action through the Standards, Exposure, Learning, and Values (SELV) test:
- Standards: Is what I’m about to do allowed by this specific assessment's instructions or UC San Diego’s Academic Integrity Policy?
- Exposure: If the professor or my TA were standing right here watching me, would I still do this?
- Learning: Am I undermining the expected learning objectives of the assessment by my actions? For example, if the learning objective is to learn how to write in Japanese, then using Google Translate or ChatGPT to translate your language into Japanese would be considered cheating.
- Values: Is what I’m about to submit an honest, fair, respectful, responsible, and trustworthy demonstration of my knowledge and abilities?
If the answer is no to any of these questions, refrain from the action. Or, if already done, consider alternative choices:
- Don't hand in the assessment— "Take the Zero!"
- Redo the assessment
- Redo the parts of the assessment that are impacted
- Ask for an #integrityextension
Tip 4
Be conscious of human tendencies to rationalize behaviors, such as saying "everyone else is probably doing it" or "it’s okay given the current situation." These are self-convincing statements that justify cheating "just this one time."
Tip 5
Remember that, in the long run, one grade on one exam is not worth violating your own integrity.