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Integrity Mentorship Program

For students who are assigned to the Integrity Mentorship Program (IMP), the program is an important opportunity to demonstrate their commitment to their education, their willingness to learn and change their academic strategies for success, and their ability to positively contribute to the UC San Diego community.

The IMP occurs over a period of 5 weeks. The student (mentee) is matched with an Integrity Mentor (mentor). Together they meet 5 times (once every week) for 50 minutes. The mentee has tasks to do in between each meeting, as well as a final reflection paper.

IMP allows many opportunities for students to grow and learn and to develop valuable lifelong skills. Throughout the program, mentors will help guide their mentees students in exploring topics such as: 

  • Characterizing their responses to the factors that led to their violation, and their feelings throughout the process so far 
  • Recognizing the broad impact of their action 
  • Assessing what they need in order to excel with integrity 
  • Constructing personalized SMART goals 
  • Identifying their core values
  • Assessing obstacles that may inhibit their ability to follow through with their goals and enact their values 
  • Locating strategies to mitigate those obstacles 
  • Designing strategies for keeping their actions in line with their values 
  • Identifying resources that will assist them in reaching their goals 
  • Evaluating their work towards achieving their goal 
  • Assessing their experiences engaging with resources

IMP Format and Enrollment FAQ

How do I enroll in IMP?

You will receive an enrollment email containing the enrollment to-do list as well as the direct enrollment link prior to the start of the quarter.

You can also enroll in IMP using the link listed in the Integrity Mentorship Program module page in Canvas titled “Complete this to-do list in order to begin...” which is updated each quarter.

Please note you will only be able to enroll in IMP during the dates listed in your sanction letter.

How do I successfully complete IMP?

IMP is structured as a Pass/ No Pass program with attendance, participation, and engagement being the primary measures of successful completion. Showing up on time to each meeting, completing assignments by the given deadlines, and thoughtfully engaging, reflecting, and sharing during each meeting are all factors considered when assessing a student’s IMP progress. Students who strive to adhere to these guidelines and get the most out of IMP should have no problem passing successfully.

How long is IMP?

IMP is a consecutive five-week program with 50-minute meetings taking place at the same time each week. Meetings are scheduled on the same day at the same time each week. Please see the example schedule listed below:

  • Meeting 1: Thursday 4/11/24 at 10:00 AM – 10:50 AM
  • Meeting 2: Thursday 4/18/24 at 10:00 AM – 10:50 AM
  • Meeting 3: Thursday 4/25/24 at 10:00 AM – 10:50 AM 
  • Meeting 4: Thursday 5/2/24 at 10:00 AM – 10:50 AM
  • Meeting 5: Thursday 5/9/24 at 10:00 AM – 10:50 AM

Is IMP optional?

IMP is offered as an optional program as it is an opportunity granted to students who want to demonstrate their dedication to their commitment to their education, their willingness to learn and change their academic strategies for success, and their ability to positively contribute to the UC San Diego community.

Students have the option to forfeit IMP and let their suspension go into effect.

Are IMP and AI Seminar the same?

No! The Integrity Mentorship Program and AI Seminar are two separate sanctions and must both be completed successfully in order for a suspension to be lifted. Please refer to the AI Seminar FAQ section for questions regarding AI Seminar.

Can I complete IMP virtually/on Zoom?

IMP meetings take place in-person, and we do not authorize Zoom meetings unless there are extraordinary circumstances preventing in-person attendance (e.g., campus wide emergency).

IMP Attendance and Scheduling FAQ

What if my schedule changes after I have filled out the enrollment form and/or received my IMP schedule?

As soon as your schedule changes, please update the enrollment form with your correct availability and email

When enrolling in IMP, you must avoid marking yourself available for a time that you have a pre-scheduled appointment. Once you are enrolled in IMP, you must avoid scheduling appointments that conflict with your IMP meeting times as we will not authorize a reschedule for appointments booked prior to or after beginning the program.

However, if you did not make any errors and your schedule has changed since completing your enrollment form, please update the enrollment form with your correct availability and email

Please note that reschedules will not be granted for reasons outside of class commitments.

Can I miss or be late to an IMP meeting?

No, missing an IMP meeting will result in program failure and the suspension will not be cancelled. Lateness is not acceptable for IMP and can also result in program failure.

Please plan in advance for travel time, parking, traffic, walking, etc. 

If you are experiencing an extreme emergency that prevents you from coming to a meeting, please email us at as soon as possible.

Please note that you may be asked to provide proof depending on the circumstance. 

IMP Completion, Outcomes, Holds and Final Paper FAQ

When will I hear back about if I passed IMP?

You will hear back about your IMP outcome prior to the start of the next quarter. 

When will the hold be lifted from my account?

The hold will be lifted prior to the start of the next quarter.

What happens if I fail IMP?

If IMP program requirements are not successfully met (i.e., missed meetings, lack of participation, etc.), you will not have met the requirements necessary for your suspension to be lifted and the suspension will go into effect according to the quarter listed on your sanction letter.

Can I get an extension on my IMP final paper?

Yes, if you request an extension more than 24 hours prior to the paper being due.